Do you have questions about our Polish Genealogy searches? Here you will find the most important answers!

Popular Questions

Wondering how genealogical searches in Poland work? Find the most common questions and answers below.

Each search ends with a comprehensive report. Such a report usually includes:

– Detailed descriptions of your ancestors containing the most important facts (e.g., place and date of birth, family background)
– Copies of all documents found (including translations from Polish, German, Russian and Latin)
– Graphic family tree showing family connections
– Descriptions of the most important places in your ancestors’ lives and archival maps
– Immigration files, naturalization records, passenger lists, passport applications – often with photos of ancestors!
– Collections of old photos showing the regions where your ancestors lived
– Documents confirming Polish citizenship

And much more…

Most often, we start our research with information about grandparents or great-grandparents. If you only have information about your parents, we’ll start the search by finding their birth certificates, which will tell us the details of your grandparents – thus opening the way for further research.

However, if you have details of your grandparents, the most important will be:

– Names and surnames
– Dates of birth, marriage or death
– Places associated with major events in your grandparents’ lives

Much depends on the army in which he fought and in what exact unit. Most often, by verifying military archives, we can find, for example:

– Course of military service
– Photos in uniform from military ID cards
– Unclaimed medals and military decorations
– Reports of military commanders

Poland’s borders have changed many times over the centuries. As a result, we are additionally conducting searches in:

– Germany
– Ukraine
– Belarus
– Lithuania

In addition, due to nearly 20 million Poles abroad, we are also active in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.

We accept international transfers, local domestic transfers (European Union, UK, United States, Canada and Australia), Apple Pay and Google Pay and other Stripe encrypted payments. For more advanced orders, we divide payments into two or three installments.


Genealogy in Poland

Find out more about
our research

Below you will find further questions and answers that most frequently arise in our searches.

The first stage of our service – the preparation of an individual offer with a cost estimate – is free of charge. During this stage, we check the availability of documentation and assess the feasibility of the study. Then, based on this analysis, we create a personalized offer with a cost estimate.

Of course! Depending on the number of ancestors and the sophistication of the genealogical search, the report includes a graphic representation of the family tree showing the connections between the discovered family members.

The average search time is one to two months. Each assignment is different and requires different activities, so it is difficult to give a rough estimate of the length of genealogical research.

Yes, the final report includes English translations. The report includes scans of all the documents found. Depending on the date of the document and the region from which it came, most will be in Polish, Russian, German or Latin.

If you have basic facts about your grandfather, an indication of his date and place of birth will suffice. If you don’t know where he might have been born, we will start the search on the basis of his marriage or death certificate, for example. The basis will be to determine a starting point from which we can begin the search.